Amandamorris21's Blog

All Art Welcomed

Month: May, 2010

A Body of Work

Body imagery is something we all have to deal with everyday, so I decided to do a series based off of this idea of poor body imagery. I decided to explore body imagery in conjunction with plastic surgery, in order to explore the human form, its perceived flaws and the increasing use of plastic surgery. I shot partial nude photographs with stark lighting that highlighted a few areas of the body that are more commonly disliked and sometimes altered through the use of plastic surgery.

For the final presentation I used transparency sheets to outline with a red dotted line to highlight the perceived problem areas, much in the same way a plastic surgeon marks up a patient before surgery. I attached the photos to the transparency sheets using binder clips to give it a uniform and medical feel. (But this isn’t shown, as the glare off of the transparency sheets was horrid)

Signage Saying Hello

This is a series that branched off from another involving chalk. I liked the use of signage that had popped up momentarily in the previous idea, so I decided to explore it further in this series (I am only showing a few here) . I wanted to show isolationism/alienation in today’s youth. The speech/thought bubble represents a few things, such as most forms of communication today are text based such as mail, email, text message, online chats, sites such as facebook and myspace. It shows how impersonal our communication has become, and how we are alienated by it. The speech/thought bubble also in an abstract way represents an unresponsiveness of the people and environment around her to her presence.

Photo ll Work

This is a series of work I did where I really wanted to explore people’s perception of others based on their environment. I used the same person in each shot to try and show how your perception of her can change with the change of environment. I placed my model into various environments from the slums to a forest environment by layering negatives together. I like the way the imagery turned out, but I definitely think that this is a topic that could be pushed more.

Hello Internet Blogging!

Throughout the history of art, art itself has been under discussion, especially as it’s concept and content grew past the decorative. With this blog I really wanted to start thinking about and discussing my own art and other interesting art related events in my life. I hope to start getting my art out into the world, and really getting myself together to grow as a mature artist.