Amandamorris21's Blog

All Art Welcomed

Month: December, 2010

Other Final Project

Look at it!!!! isn’t it awesome?!!! I am so happy I managed to get all these pieces done and framed as my final in etching, well technically it is one of two finals I did for etching, but I will get to the second one in just a sec. So this installation is made up of 20 etchings, some in plexi and some etched into zinc. I was aiming for a family photo wall type feeling, overall I am happy with my installation but I definitely feel like this is something that I could keep working on.

My second etching final uses some of the same imagery as my family portrait wall, along with some old collagraph printing, except this time they are all printed in bright colors and cropped/ collaged together to make one very long skinny print. The rough size estimate of this print is around 9 by 96 inches.

Final Projects

I am finally through all of my projects!!!!! I know it has taken me a long time to post my new stuff but here it is!!!! and I am officially done with the semester and finals so yeah!!!

This first project that I am posting is my drawing final, I am not as happy with how it turned out as I had planned. I think the overall feeling is too scattered, and the overall image of the face doesn’t look as nice as the smaller images do. This piece may be one I come back to and edit, or toss it in storage to never see it again… hmmm options!!!