Amandamorris21's Blog

All Art Welcomed

Month: April, 2011


These are a set of three images that I have been working on in my etching class. Lately I have really been interested in the distortion of the human figure, so these pieces are all an exploration of this idea/imagery. I really like this track so far and look forward to exploring it more.

Website fun (expanded) and Etchings!!!

So to expand upon my last post this is the website where I have been doing all of my doodling, and these are some of my newest doodles, as this site is kind of addicting.

On another note, here is my independent project that I just finished up for crit. this week. I am currently going into a new direction, I really wanted to start exploring some of my older themes with a less illustrated style. Basically, I wanted to combine my more realistic drawing work with the themes that I have been working with in printmaking, which are all about the ideas and characteristics that we associate with animal imagery, and then relating that to our perceptions of ourselves and others. I also plan on working on some new pieces with abstraction (as shown in the next piece) and larger etchings with more figures.

…and this is an extra project that I did with some extended time I had, this is just a draft, and I will hopefully finish this up over the next couple of days. This etching was inspired by a sculptor whose work I had recently seen. I am really excited about exploring this track in my work.