Amandamorris21's Blog

All Art Welcomed

Month: December, 2011

Happy New Year!!! (Christmas card flashback)

Hello! So now that Christmas/the holidays are over, I thought I would now post my holiday cards. I wanted to make sure that they would be a surprise to those who would receive them, though sadly I am still not quite done handing them out, but here they are. They are printed in two colors, a gold base layer and an offset second color, in this case red, but I also did a set with blue and with green over gold.

So Happy Holidays!!!!


These are my CMYK explorations. I took a still from a stop motion film I had made. I had always wanted to do more with that image, and I think it goes along very well with what I had in mind with breaking down the CMYK. Basically I took the black layer of a CMYK and I used it to print all of the color layers, using my own modified CMYK colors. All of the layers in these prints are printed just slightly off from one another, so that when you look at the image it creates an odd illusion of color, or color combinations, as I switched up which colors were printed together or separately. In the ones that are printed together they overlap a bit in the center, again to create a visual oddity when viewed.

These images are all a part of my silkscreen printing final. I really wanted to separate myself from my animal-headed people imagery, to get out of my comfort zone and explore some of the other imagery that I have been thinking about. Both of these projects were mainly about exploring combined, and dissimilar imagery that I find interesting, and then playing with the creation process of the imagery. I wanted to explore the combination of dissimilar images in interesting compositions. In these compositions I included some of my own artwork, photos, drawings, etc. into the piece as well as appropriated imagery.