Amandamorris21's Blog

All Art Welcomed

Category: photographs

Taxidermy Art (test piece)

This work is an experimental test piece that combines printmaking and taxidermy forms. This and the rabbit piece (shown in one of my earlier posts) are both pieces of art, which are a part of my soon to be thesis show.

CMYK Litho Project

Hello again!! So I decided to skip a few projects to put up my favorite summer litho project. The reason this print is my favorite is strangely enough not due to the imagery, but instead to just how awesomely it printed, practically no scumming, awesome registration, etc. It is definitely the closest I have gotten to a perfect edition. I love how everything came out. Anyway, the imagery is of course, someone, and I won’t say its me, holding a taxidermy form in a kitchen (meaning abounds!!!). I like how my blurring of the surrounding image gives it a old and grainy feeling.

Because it is a CMYK photo plate print, I also took some photos of the layers

Here is the first layer, obviously yellow, and I kind of decided to do my layers in any order…

and the blue layer…

both prints side by side on the drying rack…

and the red layer!!!

obviously the last layer is the black one, which is shown up top, looking cool right?

Litho Final Project: Rabbit Print Taxidermy

Hello! I wanted to post an image of my end of the year litho project. This structure is actually a taxidermy form of a dead rabbit, which I coated in pronto plate litho prints and spray paint. I don’t know how I feel about the paint yet, but I find it interesting how it gives the rabbit a look of wearing an old fashioned swimsuit. I definitely plan on doing this again, playing more with imagery and  representation…

im|material photo shoot

Here are some images that I took during our photo shoot for the im|material cover!!! It looks like it is going to be super awesome!!!

Herron Printmaking Show Posters!!!

Just wanted to show you guys our awesome show posters, a special thanks to Maxwell Burton for designing them!!!!

Print Lab

So I am currently helping make a poster for a printmaking show at the library (that I had organized!). So I took a bunch of photo’s all around the lab to possibly use as a backdrop to the poster. Here are just a few images of the images!

SGC Conference (2)

So my mind is still dwelling in New Orleans so i thought that my blog may as well too. So here are a few more images from the conference and its after hours events. Enjoy!

SGC Conference in New Orleans

So I just recently went to New Orleans for a printmaking conference hosted by the SGC. Everything about the trip was amazing, and I am very excited for next years conference. Other than that I am not really sure what all to say, so check out my photo’s to see what all went on…

Photo Shoot for Thesis Work

So I recently helped a friend out with a photo shoot she set up to create reference photos for her senior thesis paintings . These are images that are completely unrelated to her work, but I took them while waiting in between setups.


These are my CMYK explorations. I took a still from a stop motion film I had made. I had always wanted to do more with that image, and I think it goes along very well with what I had in mind with breaking down the CMYK. Basically I took the black layer of a CMYK and I used it to print all of the color layers, using my own modified CMYK colors. All of the layers in these prints are printed just slightly off from one another, so that when you look at the image it creates an odd illusion of color, or color combinations, as I switched up which colors were printed together or separately. In the ones that are printed together they overlap a bit in the center, again to create a visual oddity when viewed.