Amandamorris21's Blog

All Art Welcomed

Proof to Print, Show Photos

I thought it might interest a few of you to see photo’s of the printmaking clubs show opening this past Friday!!

Overall I think it went pretty well, what do you think?

im|material photo shoot

Here are some images that I took during our photo shoot for the im|material cover!!! It looks like it is going to be super awesome!!!

Litho Print

So as it has been quite awhile since I posted some of my own work I thought I would show you my most recent litho print. I will admit that I encountered some issues while working on it, but overall I like it well enough. I do intend to go back into it now that it is printed, and change quite a bit. In this image are two taxidermy forms, and human hands. I am mainly dealing with ideas of making, the processes and our involvement in the objectification of animals.

Herron Printmaking Show Posters!!!

Just wanted to show you guys our awesome show posters, a special thanks to Maxwell Burton for designing them!!!!

Print Lab

So I am currently helping make a poster for a printmaking show at the library (that I had organized!). So I took a bunch of photo’s all around the lab to possibly use as a backdrop to the poster. Here are just a few images of the images!

SGC Conference (2)

So my mind is still dwelling in New Orleans so i thought that my blog may as well too. So here are a few more images from the conference and its after hours events. Enjoy!

SGC Conference in New Orleans

So I just recently went to New Orleans for a printmaking conference hosted by the SGC. Everything about the trip was amazing, and I am very excited for next years conference. Other than that I am not really sure what all to say, so check out my photo’s to see what all went on…

Photo Shoot for Thesis Work

So I recently helped a friend out with a photo shoot she set up to create reference photos for her senior thesis paintings . These are images that are completely unrelated to her work, but I took them while waiting in between setups.

Litho Attempt #1

These are my first attempts at using a lithographic process on stone. I decided to stick with my favored imagery of animal headed humans, just to try out the process with something I am accustomed too.

Super Bowl 2012: Football Bird

So I know this is a bit late, but here is a print I made for the Super bowl.

Unfortunately, I still have a ton left, and I have no idea what I want to do with them now…