Amandamorris21's Blog

All Art Welcomed

Tag: taxidermy artwork

Hello Again!!

360 view of our gallery

360 view of our gallery

So Life has now settled down, so I can tell you what all is new!!! I have been accepted into the printmaking graduate program at Ohio University, I had a very rewarding and successful thesis exhibition (pictures upcoming), and I have an upcoming show in Kentucky at Decca, while a work of mine is on exhibit in Estonia!!!! All exciting stuff huh?

Anyways I feel like now is the time to get you caught up visually on all this exciting stuff ; ) So I will start with my favorite images, those of my thesis show!!!! wooo!!!! on top is a 360 view of the complete show, both my side and my partners (Rachel Gressley).

CNC woodcuts

Collecting Stranger Things Detail

“Collecting Stranger Things” Looking up view…

image wall


Head and Shoulders

Right Side of the Road

“Wrong Side of the Road”

Stilled Life

“Stilled Life” This piece I put in the restroom, which I thought was a hilarious place to put a taxidermy form piece…

A Deer Piece

Here is a collaborative piece entitled “My Dear” created by my show partner and I. I did the CNC woodcut deers and the silkscreen printed wall backdrop is her creation.

A detailed deer

A detail of “My Dear”

An Overview

Taxidermy Art (test piece)

This work is an experimental test piece that combines printmaking and taxidermy forms. This and the rabbit piece (shown in one of my earlier posts) are both pieces of art, which are a part of my soon to be thesis show.

CMYK Litho Project

Hello again!! So I decided to skip a few projects to put up my favorite summer litho project. The reason this print is my favorite is strangely enough not due to the imagery, but instead to just how awesomely it printed, practically no scumming, awesome registration, etc. It is definitely the closest I have gotten to a perfect edition. I love how everything came out. Anyway, the imagery is of course, someone, and I won’t say its me, holding a taxidermy form in a kitchen (meaning abounds!!!). I like how my blurring of the surrounding image gives it a old and grainy feeling.

Because it is a CMYK photo plate print, I also took some photos of the layers

Here is the first layer, obviously yellow, and I kind of decided to do my layers in any order…

and the blue layer…

both prints side by side on the drying rack…

and the red layer!!!

obviously the last layer is the black one, which is shown up top, looking cool right?

Summer Litho 2

Hey! So here is another one of my summer litho prints. This particular piece is a four plate, photo plate project entitled “Dominance”. I had a few issues but other than that I think it went and looks pretty good. I wasn’t really sure if I was going to like leaving the background blank on the bottom but I am glad I did, it works rather well. The top section is of course a taxidermy form, as they seem to have taken over my works or the summer. So far I really love photo plate but it is rather costly so I guess I will just have to see how much I will use it in the future.

I suppose one day I will have to talk about the meaning behind these taxidermy pieces, so I promise to try and write all that out sometime in the remainder of my summer…

Summer Litho

Sorry to have been away so long, I have been in a hurry to finish all of my summer litho projects, of which I will be posting one a week until I run out : ) But for a quick look at what is to come here is a photo of my workspace as I edition a few differnt print sets.

The first print I will be showing is….

This reductive litho!!!!

Now this was my first time working reductively on stone and surprisingly was rather enjoyable. I generally am not a reductive thinker (image wise) as I like to build upon an image until I am satisfied, or somewhere in the general area of satisfied. This was a good process to learn and experiment with. Basically I started out with a flat of my lightest color, and scrapped out any areas which I wanted to remain white, then printed my layer. You continue the process, building upon the same image, scraping out the areas that you want to remain the previous color until you have your completed image.

The print itself is of two taxidermy deer forms, but is mainly just an experimentation with process more than anything else. Now that the print is finished there are definitely a few things that I would change about it, since I now have a better understanding of the process, but overall I think it is a fair beginning to working reductively.

New Litho Projects

Here are two prints I just finished up for my lithography class. The top print is a lithograph with a color monotype background, while the second is just a straight up black and white lithograph. Both pieces are drawings of taxidermy forms which will play a large role in my thesis to come, and hopefully a really interesting series once I get everything worked out.